Skyy the limit

Skyy the limit

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Do you remember on one of my blog update, I did mention that I am going to update you with more details of Oscar?

Well, here you go.

Oscar was adopted by Auntie Janet & Uncle Bex. He is a Jack Russell at the age of about 1 1/2 years old according to the vet. As he was found near Uncle Bex's work place therefore his age was unknown to us. He's been a darling to them after the adoption as they had bought many dog stuff for him. They spent hundreds of dollars for his check up, vaccination and sterilization as well. This shown that they really care for Oscar!

We met up on the 4th day that Oscar was bought back to Auntie Janet's place. He was quiet and obedient on that day while he can react to simple command like 'sit' and 'down'. He doesn't even bark on stranger that come near to the door! I was very impressed!

On our subsequent visit to Auntie Janet's place, he is always so excited to see us and eager to play with us. But sad to say that I'm also allergy to his saliva therefore I have to wash my hands thoroughly with soaps after patting him! Oscar is simply too friendly that he would come near to me and licked me right on my face and caught me in surprise! This nice gesture of his often left me in rashes all over my face and body so Mama had no choice but to request him to be "locked" in the kitchen! I just can't help it but to be sorry for him.

Here's a video of Oscar when he's being locked in the kitchen. He is still optimistic when he is being "locked" and looking for someone to play fetch with him.

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