Skyy the limit

Skyy the limit

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Was Impressed by...

"I was told that Mama was impressed by my action earlier...and I actually got praised!

Still quite puzzled and not sure what I've actually did!

After Mama had topped my diapers onto the tray this morning, she asked me to bring the empty bag of the diaper to leave it near the shoe rack. Then minutes later when Mama tried to find the empty bag, she couldn't find it high and low! She never ask me where I've placed it so I went to have my nap.

When I woke up, I was being praised! Mama told me that she search the whole bedroom as well as the living room plus kitchen for the empty bag without any success...and she was puzzled too on where can the empty bag be? Then she found it lying inside the dustbin in the living room. She was so happy and kept saying I'm so smart! So what's all this about huh? Isn't it suppose to be in the dustbin? Can someone please enlighten me?"

"Still waiting for a clue man..."

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